
Exactly 50 years have passed since the appearance of the seminal article by C.J. Pedersen on crown ethers, which can be considered the birth of Supramolecular Chemistry. Those studies, together with contemporary investigations of D.J. Cram and J.-M. Lehn paved the way for an undeniable revolution, which irreversibly changed the way of thinking to chemistry. The Nobel Prize for Chemistry assigned to such researchers in 1987 witnessed the importance of their results and ideas that begun to pervade any branch of chemistry. It is not a case that almost 30 years later, another Nobel Prize for Chemistry has been won by other three researchers working in the field of Supramolecular Chemistry (Molecular Machines), B. Feringa, J.-P. Sauvage and J. Fraser Stoddart. The Italian chemical community has given fundamental contributions to all of the fields of Supramolecular Chemistry since its very beginning, and is still one of the most active and prolific in the world. In order to continue this long tradition, this Conference has been designed to favour the meeting of all young and talented PhD students working in the frame of Supramolecular Chemistry, who will talk about their work, exchanging ideas, comments and opinions in a friendly environment.

We expect you numerous in Rome!


Università “La Sapienza”
The University of Rome La Sapienza was founded in 1303 and is the largest University in Europe. Many of the faculties, including Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences, are hosted inside a Campus built in 1935. La Sapienza is one of the most highly ranked university of south Europe.


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The Italian National research Council (CNR) was founded in 1923, is the largest public research institution in Italy, it performs multidisciplinary research and promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system.
